Real Estate

Hello Real Estate Friends,

Before moving to Portsmouth during a pandemic, I was a thriving real estate photographer in Pasadena, California.

While I loved running from house to house and staying up late to deliver photos the next day, I’ve chosen to slow down and savor my projects a little more these days.

Over those years, I learned that the photos didn’t just sell the home; they sold the Broker or Agent and their brand. With great pictures from great listings serving them long after the papers had been signed and the keys turned over.

My standard architectural photography rate likely exceeds the marketing budget for most of your listings. Even for exceptional listings, these upfront costs can be an obstacle. So, I’m offering a rate of $500 for 20 photos.

Your photos will receive the same care and attention as all my projects. I do not have a “low-cost” shooting technique. Each picture is shot and processed to the best of my ability to create the best possible image.

This rate is for a 4-hour daylight shoot within about an hour’s drive of Portsmouth of an active listing. It does not include a location scout and is not eligible for Cost-Sharing. The finished photos will be delivered about 3-5 business days after the shoot.

My regular architectural rate applies for long-distance locations, twilight & sunrise shoots, or other special requests.

Whether you have an upcoming listing, are looking to enhance the photos you already have, or are refreshing a listing that’s been on the market too long, I am here and ready to assist you.

Thanks so much,
